Meanwhile, at the signalling exhibition…


In the shadow of the eradication of self-seeders from the coal storage, a much more precise work was conducted in the secluded area of the signalling exhibition. We were continuing refurbishing the rare, small lever frame of the intermediate signal box.

After the successful assembly of the interlocking cam’s box, we proceeded to fix the signal’s levers. It took long than expected to bring those parts to a proper condition. We actually disassembled the levers into their elementary parts – for some volunteers, students of the railway school, it was an interesting and invaluable experience. Another step was a thorough cleaning and removal of the paint. The complex shape of the cast-iron parts forced us to experiment with different techniques, including a crude blast-sanding. Meanwhile, we started to complete new equipment of the exhibition’s mechanical back-room, e.g. a new grinding machine allowed us to eliminate the countless trips to the main workshop to clean every tiny detail. Eventually, after repainting, the levers were put back on their place at the frame.

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Another element of the frame which required our attention was the block device. This time we decided to completely disassemble for easier clean-up. The effect was worth the effort – the repainted frame is now waiting for the installation of block assemblies, electromagnetic lock and the generator. After that we will face the much more complex task of recreating the electric circuits of the device. What we found initially inside was far from proper (the frame was a teaching aid in a railway school). The challenge was nevertheless accepted by our volunteers, who find in it another opportunity to excel their skills as signal fitters.

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The lever frame was not the only exhibit we focused on. At last we took care of the second five-aspect semaphore present on the exhibition. This one was also a teaching aid and initially was equipped with a simple control box to automatically switch the aspects. Unfortunately, the original circuit based on the exchange step-by-step switch gave at some point a puff of smoke, and the semaphore was left in the corner only to present what is the use of indicator W31 (“disregard this signal”). We started by inspecting the wiring of the lights and repainting the chambers. Next, we prepared a new control system, this time based on Arduino micro-controller. We also ordered new background plates to be cut in place for the missing ones.

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Below is a short video from the first test run of the semaphore.

This year’s activities on the signalling exhibition are supported by


Invitation to the collection and walk on the Old Powązki cemetery


For 9 years now PARE members have the honour to take part in the Old Souls Day collection organized by the Social Committee for the preservation of Old Powązki cemetery. Representatives of other entities of railway industry are also participating in the collection – together with our colleagues from Warsaw’s Commuters Railway (WKD) and PLK we will be present near the grave of Stanisław Wysocki (1805 – 1868), the head architect of the Warsaw-Vienna Railroad (catacomb avenue, column 6/7). The collection will take place on 1st (Thursday), 3rd (Saturday) and 4th (Sunday) November.

Also for the eleventh time we are meeting for the annual All Souls Day walk. This year we will visit the refurbished graves of railwaymen e.g. of Leon Miaskowski (1822-1892), the first Polish train driver. We start on 2nd November at the St Onorata’s gate at 10:00 AM.

The end of the volunteers camp


20th and 21st October were the last days of this year’s edition of Volunteers Camps. During the soggy Saturday and sunny Sunday morning we finished our little “gardening” in the coal storage. 10 volunteers participated in cutting down the self-seeders and moving the plant waste into storage area where later they will be taken for recycling. In the spring we are going to implement some measures to prevent the regrowth of the weeds in this part of the Shed.

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The project was concluded in the Sunday’s afternoon with a sightseeing trip around historical industrial object in the vicinity of Skierniewice. We visited the first in the world welded bridge in Maurzyce and heritage park of folk architecture located nearby. Later, we visited the branch of Station Museum in Sochaczew to see how a professional railway museum functions. In the end we visited what remained from the former linen loom in Żyrardów. It was a rather sad visit which reminded us of the usual fate of industrial heritage in Poland…

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Volunteers camps were sponsored from the programme of the National Board of Heritage – Together for Heritage

NID-logotyp-oddzial-WARSZAWA   nid-wdd

Media Patronage     rsc_nowe       Głos Skierniewic     its    dl     radio-victoria

Tools sponsored by

agentools Pferd-VSM

Train to the Independence visited Skierniewice


Despite the fact, that the tourist season is already over, we are still open to the visits by organized groups. On 21st October we were visited by 82 passengers of a special Train to the Independence co-organized by Łódź Commuters Railway (ŁKA) and the Centre of Initiatives for Development REGIO. The group also visited other points of interest in Skierniewice: the Bishop’s Palace with its impressive park, the town’s market and the former Russian barracks – currently the seat of the Museum of History and branch of the vocational school.

Rock-oratorio “The Petrified Forest. Operation of Łódź 1914. Independence”

In the Sunday evening of 14th October, the interiors of Engine Shed hosted the rock oratorio “The Petrified Forest. Operation of Łódź 1914. Independence


According to the information provided by the authors of the spectacle, during the Battle of Łódź in 1914, lasting 26 days, more than 200 thousand of soldiers have perished. Among them were many Poles forced to serve in one of the occupying armies, many times fighting against each other on the opposite sites. The scale of the battle brought the idea to revive the memory about this event in this original form – sharing the characteristics of a concert, a performance, partially even a prayer and actively involving the audience.


The performance is prepared by the foundation “Poland will speak up” in cooperation with Łódź Special Economic Zone and the branch of the Institute of National Remembrance in Łódź. The honourable patronage over the event is provided by the Defence Secretary and the Culture and National Heritage Secretary, the Vice-marshal of Senate prof. Michał Sewerynski. The première of the oratorio took place on 15th August 2017 in the European Institute in Łódź. The performance in Skierniewice was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as a part for the creative fund “Accessible Culture”.


Lyrics: Krzysztof Jerzy Krawczyk, Sławomir Macias, Bogdan Loebl
Music: Krzysztof Jerzy Krawczyk, Zbigniew Nikodemski
Realisation: KGBand
Script: Krzysztof Jerzy Krawczyk, Sławomir Macias
Director: Remigiusz Caban
Dramaturgy: Remigiusz Caban, Adam Słowik
Scenography: Grzegorz Zieliński
Cooperation: Witold Ancerowicz
Executive producer: Andrzej Słowik, Adam Słowik

A new exhibit in our collection – class SR71-04


There’s never too much of good things, yet each time we acquire a new exhibit, we swear this will be the last one. However, how can you decline, when you are offered a well maintained and prepared for exhibition vehicle for free? Such was the story of class SR71-04 line maintenance vehicle whose previous owner, PKP Energetyka S.A., contacted us in the spring of 2018. Of course, one can wonder, whether relatively young construction will be in the right place among the old steam engines. After considering the fact that most of the examples of this small series of specialistic vehicles were already scrapped, we hadn’t any doubts.


In July 2018 we visited the former Engine Shed Strzemieszyce (now part of Dąbrowa Górnicza) to select one of the disused vehicles from the Rolling Stock Maintenance Department. Our vote went to the older and better maintained vehicle № 04, built in 1975 in Railway Works in Lubań Śląski. It is the oldest vehicle of its class. After the inspection we could launch all administration procedures. Simultaneously, we started looking for the money to pay the cost of transportation – the only expense our association had to cover.


In the meantime, class SR71 received a fresh coat of paint and its interior was cleaned and fitted with missing parts. We also took our time to schedule the transport. Due to the technical reasons (the vehicle had its run permit overdue) we were limited to the transport by road. In the mid-September, class SR71 was ready for the trip to Skierniewice. Once again we took advantage of the services of company Panas Transport from Zamość, who helped us in similar ventures and have the experience in transporting the old railway vehicles.


On 24th September class SR71-04 was loaded on the special flatbed and prepared for the road. The transport covered the distance between Dąbrowa Górnicza and Skierniewice without much hassle. On 25th September it reached the engine shed were the vehicle was swiftly unloaded and stored in the roundhouse, where it waited for its grand debut.


The official hand-over was planned for the Open Day on 6th October. In the presence of the vice-president of the City Council of Skierniewice Mr Dariusz Chęcieleski, the representative of the board of PKP Energetyka Mr Mariusz Zalewski oficcialy presented the vehicle to the vice-president of PARE Judyta Kurowska-Ciechańska. After cutting of the ribbon, the vehicle was opened to the guests.

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The vehicle was renewed and donated by


The transportation was sponsored by

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and various individual donors.

We would like to express our gratitude to all who helped us to collect the money for the transportation of the vehicle. The details of the collection will be published shortly.

With saws and shears


We used the exceptionally warm weekend of 6th and 7th October to continue our fight with self-seeders overwhelming our coal storage. With a significant effort we managed to clear a large patch of storage surrounding the track № 55.
In two weeks (on 20th and 21st October) we intend to conduct the last upkeep works and conclude the series of Volunteers Camps with a didactic excursion for the most active participants. All interested can still subscribe in a special participation form.

Sponsored by the National Heritage Board of Poland, programme Together for Heritage

NID-logotyp-oddzial-WARSZAWA   nid-wdd

Media patronage     rsc_nowe       Głos Skierniewic     its    dl     radio-victoria

Sponsors of tools

agentools Pferd-VSM

After the October Open Day


The last in this year regular open day in Engine Shed took place on Saturday, 6th October. As usual, visitors could learn more about the history of the facility and the exhibits from our collection. An extraordinary addition to this event was the official hand-over of the class SR71-04 inspection vehicle from PKP Energetyka S.A. to the Shed. Except that, our guests could visit the temporary exhibition of photographs by Mirosław Mizera, our interactive exhibition of railway signals and traffic control and see our collection of rolling stock and steam engines maintenance equipment. To sum up, we were visited by 303 guests.

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Łódź Commuters Railway (ŁKA) prepared the special offer for the visitors, who could return back for free to their departure station after receiving a special stamp on their one-way ticket. Catering was provided thanks to the Atmosfera pizza house.

In the evening one could take part in the presentation by Ariel Ciechański, PhD “Modernity vs authenticity in railway museums” discussing the various approaches to the conservation of railway heritage across the Europe. The presentation was followed by the discussion on this topic. The presentation was a part of the Voluntaries Camp sponsored by

The Programme of National Heritage Board of Poland – Together for heritage.

NID-logotyp-oddzial-WARSZAWA   nid-wdd


Invitation to the 2018 volunteers camp


Encouraged by the positive response to our previous summer camps for volunteers, we would like to invite all the interested for a yet another edition of this initiative. You can join us and test yourself as a volunteer in the Engine Shed Skierniewice on the following days:

  • 11th – 15th August,
  • 25th – 26th August,
  • 22nd – 23rd September,
  • 6th – 7th October,
  • 20th – 21st October.

All those who are at least 16 years old, are of good health and would like to devote their free time in the rescue of railway heritage are welcome. We encourage the participants to choose from the many of planned activities:

  • renovation of steam engines class Ol49-4, Tkp 6042 “Śląsk” and Ty51-1,
  • expansion of the exhibition of railway signalling and traffic control,
  • track works in front of the roundhouse,
  • upkeep of the surroundings and green areas of the shed,
  • maintenance and repairs outside and inside of the Shed’s buildings,
  • other works depending on the needs and attendance.

To subscribe to the event, please use the special entry form. During the camp, the coordinator of the project will be awaiting the participants on Friday 10th August starting from 7PM. During one of the first days we will organize the Health and Safety training. Each day we will start the work at around 10AM and continue till 7PM. Each day will be concluded with a hot meal.

To the participants, we provide:

  • return of the costs of commuting to/from Skierniewice (only 2nd class train tickets or equivalent public transportation or bus tickets) – based on the original tickets or printouts of the internet tickets;
  • overnight stay in the Shed, in the camping standard (in case of the number of participants exceeding the capacity of our social area, we will look for the possibility of overnight stay outside the Shed);
  • water and hot meals;
  • basic work clothing (gloves);
  • tools;
  • a participation certificate, if requested.

Due to the limited capacity of our social area and the need to plan the activities in advance, we would like you to state in the enrolment form the intended time of stay, accomodation preference and the activities you are interested in.

If you would like to receive more information regarding the volunteers camp, please contact us at

The volunteers camp is supported by

Urząd Miasta Skierniewice