Taking care of our collection

Ostatnia krata Winter works, which aim was to increase the safety of our collection by the installation of new and sturdy window bars, reached their finish. To sum up: we completed 5 new sets of window bars, replacing part of the temporary safeguards. It was possible thanks to the remaining stock of steel, bought especially for this purpose. Whenever possible, we are going to continue the works on improving the safety of the shed.

Another challenge is to build a new fence behind the pump house. We are looking for a benefactor, who would like to donate a prefabricated concrete fence to our organisation.

Skierniewice’s Shed „Where Cultures Meet”

Goście stoiska PSMK As in the previous years, we participated in the fairs Touristic Sites “Where Cultures Meet”  which took place from 21st to 23rd February in Łódź. It was a great opportunity to refresh some old acquaintances and to strike up new ones, which may in the future result in an interesting common undertakings. A possibility to exchange experiences with other non-governmental organization as well as entrepreneurs owning touristic attractions was priceless. Of course, we didn’t forgot about the promotion of the soon launched, 10th touristic season in Skierniewice’s Engine Shed. As you can see in the enclosed photo, our offer and presented small exhibits especially aroused the youngest travelers interest.

On the shot of „Plus-minus or fly’s travel to Georgia”

This year the Skierniewice’s shed was very early visited by filmmakers. On 21st February we guested a group shooting the documental picture titled „Plus-minus or fly’s travel to Georgia” („Plus minus czyli podróże muchy do Gruzji”), directed by Bogdan Dziworski. The movie, regarding the cult of Stalin, is based on the director’s memories from his youth. Shots to the movie were completed in Skierniewice’s Engine Shed as well as on-place in Georgia and palace in Lubostroń. Paweł Dyllus is the director of photography and Bożena Krakówka is the executive producer. The main Producer is Paisa Films studio and Polish Television. The picture is financed from the funds of Polish Film Institute.

Plus-Minus - ekipa Plus-Minus okiem operatora

1% of income tax into hundreds of square meters of new roof…

Specjalny Dzień Otwarty 2013, zwiedzane hali wachlarzowej … with this catch-phrase we’ve encouraged last year the tax payers to devote their 1% of income tax to the Engine Shed. As one could convince himself, the motto proved itself really effective – once again we would like to thank you for your generous support in salvaging of the railway monuments.

Soon, we will once again receive the tax forms in order to “pay the tribute” to the tax office. Last year, thanks to your help, we were able to apply for two subsidies, which allowed the major overhaul of the 650 square meters of the roundhouse’s roof. This year, we would like to continue this work, so we keep the last year’s motto valid and once again we would like to encourage you to the further support to the Engine Shed.
If you would like to check, how we utilize received financial assets and what are our plans for the future, please check the 1% for PARE page (in Polish only, sorry.)

From publisher’s shelf – „Stanisław Wysocki – the Pioneer of Polish Railways”

Stanisław Wysocki - okładka With a great satisfaction we would like to introduce to you the freshly released book by Polish Association of Railway Enthusiasts – „Stanisław Wysocki – the Pioneer of Polish Railways”. This editorial undertaking was possible thanks to the support of the donors mentioned in the book. The publication continues the topic of the earlier book “Old Powązki Station” (2011) and two booklets under common title “We remember” (2010 and 2012) – works by our colleagues Marek Moczulski and Wiesław Wojtasiewicz. The mentioned works are the summary of their adventure at the Old Powązki cementary – a search for the graves of the people of outstanding merit for Polish railways. Books are the tribute to those outstanding figures.

The book will be available at the Skierniewice’s Engine Shed as a contribution souvenir.

Bookplates for PARE

In mid-2013 Dr. Krzysztof Marek Bąk from Silesian University organized a contest for an ex-libris dedicated to our organization. The contest was targeted at the students of the University’s branch in Cieszyn. From the submitted works the best ones were chosen by international four-persons jury. Six of the successful works were distinguished with prizes. The laureates were awarded by our colleagues , Ryszard Bandosz i Marek Moczulski, with diplomas and souvenirs from PARE. They also thanked the originator of the contest and some of the participants for their initiative during the ‘10+1 Krzysztof Marek Bąk and students of the 1st CG Workshops  at the Art Institute of Silesian University’ exhibition in Warsaw’s Gallery of Ex-libris. Exhibition took place on 22nd January and will be open till 14th February .

Autorzy prac Few of the participants of the competition, who arrived at the exhibition. First left: Dr. K. M. Bąk and R. Bandosz.

Karolina Gilewicz na tle plansz wystawowych ze swoimi pracami Karolina Gilewicz, against the awarded entries
Fot. Anna Buta-Kluska (Warsaw’s Gallery of Ex-libris)

The main aim of such internal competitions is the intention to propagate the idea of ex-libris among the youngest graphic designers – said Dr. Bąk. Despite the fact, that the works are of varied quality, I think it’s worth that the students be aware of the existence of bookplates and know the basic rules of their design. (…) The awaken interest has resulted in creation of countless bookplates – reaching up the tenths  of works per single creator. We have first successes – participation in international vernissages and individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Individual development and creative search is stimulated with in-house contests and workshops. Up to date, contest for signboard, for PARE’s ex-libris and workshops In Memoriam Jur Gajdzic took place. There were also two degrees: MSc for Aleksandra Hachuła and Bachelor for Ewa Chorążak – both regarding digital bookplate.

All contest entries were donated to the collection of PARE. The members of the Association could see them during the New Year’s meeting on 18th January. Our colleague, Ryszard Bandosz, supplemented the collection with a self-made bookplate for PARE’s President, Judyta Kurowska-Ciechańska

Marek Moczulski

New Year’s Meeting

Krata koło SP30-218

As each year, a traditional New Year’s Meeting for members, volunteers and fans of PARE took place on Saturday, 18th January. As usual, it was a great opportunity to sum up the last year’s activities, plan new aims for the future and discuss the common topics. We are very glad, that nearly 40 people from all around Poland (ex. from Skierniewice, Łódź, Warsaw, Zamość, Jaworzyna Śląska, Świebodzice, Pruszków, Zielonka) took part in the event.

A new tradition was introduced by our youngest colleagues – everybody interested could integrate not only by the holiday table but also by the joint work in the roundhouse. This time, one could lose some holiday calories by the work on the lengthened sightseeing route. This way, another patch of loose plaster was chiseled away and new bars were fitted in unprotected windows. We do hope this new tradition will catch on.

We would like to remind that every week the doors of the engine shed are open to all those who are eager to spend actively and usefully their free time.

1% income tax from flat-rate payers


We would like to encourage all those who are to settle up with the tax office by the end of January 2014 to support our activity with your 1% of income tax. In 2013 we benefited from this source nearly 23 thousand zlotys, major part of which were devoted to the reconstruction of the roundhouse roof (an area of 668 square meters) , pay the building supervisor and the purchase of architectural assessments allowing future repairs of the sheds buildings. Much of the received 1% of the income tax become the required capital for three public tasks totaling 105 000 zlotys. Therefore, each zloty received was multiplied 8 times! The remaining money allowed continuation of the renovation of our class Ol49-8 steam engine and the beer reefer. Thank you!