Continuing rebuild of beer refrigerator car
Despite the varying tempo of works by the beer refrigerator car, the rebuild is progressing towards the end. During the summer vacations we managed to paint the planks of the outer walls and prepare them for the final assembly. Yet, a couple of obstacles appeared and forced us to rethink the construction of the walls. What is more, September and October is a period of increased number of events in the Shed, so we had hardly any time to get back to renovation works by the exhibits.
After the last events of 170th anniversary of WVR, at last we could devote some more time to the refrigerator car. We conduct the works every second week under the supervision of people who took part in similar project several years ago, when we were rebuilding the 4th class passenger-luggage coach ‘Steinfurt’. During the last weeks of November we managed to complete the outer walls of the car, many times working after dusk due to the shorter daytime.
During the coming meetings, we are going to complete the inner walls, openings for ice, door frames and start assembling the double floor with thermal insulation.