New touristic season is coming

Przygotowania do sezonu 2015 - porządkowanie trawników

It’s Spring! Longer and warmer days encourage the volunteers of PARE to visit the engine shed more frequently. During the last weeks, the rebuild of beer refrigerator car have sped up. We’ve also broaden the scope of works required before the admission of the first guests during the coming, 11th touristic season in Engine Shed. Lawns are now free of the autumn leafs. The main workshop has been cleared of the parts of salvaged railway devices and frames. On the walls, we’ve hung vintage boards with safety and efficiency slogans dating back to People’s Republic. We have also cleaned the surroundings of the roundhouse from leftovers from last year’s roof repairs. We also prepared the new, longer sightseeing route inside the roundhouse.

Przygotowania do sezonu 2015 - porządkowanie na hali Przygotowania do sezonu 2015 - porządkowanie na hali 2 podgotowka05

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