After the first Open Day


The first in 2022 Open Day in Engine Shed is over. On 7th May 235 guests decided to visit the Shed despite the end of the May’s “long weekend”.

We are happy that at last we could return to the formula from before 2020 and reintroduce guided tours and welcome back Atmosfera pizza parlor as the catering provider. As in the previous years, thanks to the cooperation with Łódź Metropolitan Railway (ŁKA), guests travelling by ŁKA could return from Skierniewice for free.

Thank you very much for visit and see you again during the 11th Railway Night of Museums on 14th May 2022.

Anniversary walk on the Old Powązki cemetery


Our colleague Marek Moczulski would like to invite to the walk on the Old Powązki cemetery on the occasion of 150th anniversary of Railway School (currently School Complex № 7).

The guided walk will follow the route of the graves of famous pupils of the Railway School or pepople connected with this facility: Stanisław Wysocki (1805 – 1868, chief engineer of the Warsaw-Vienna Railway), Zygmunt Noskowski (1846 – 1909, composer), Aleksander Janowski (1866 – 1944, pioneer of local history research), Stanisław Szober (1879 – 1938, linguist), Władysław Pytlasiński (1863 – 1933, wrestler) and numerous headmasters of the school.

The walk starts by the St. Onorata’s Gate of Old Powązki cemetery on 14th May at 11:00 AM and will take around 2 hours.

Returning with the Railway Night of Museums


After a three years hiatus, the Railway Night of Museums is back in the Engine Shed. For the eleventh time in the history of our association, we would like to invite you to visit us on 14th May from 6 PM till midnight. The rolling stock from our collection as well as the miniature garden railway will be illuminated specially for this event. Catering and refreshments will be provided by Atmosfera pizza parlor.

We would like to remind you that Łódź Metropolitan Railway (ŁKA) has prepared a special offer for the guests of Open Day in the Engine Shed. Passengers travelling to Skierniewice by ŁKA can return to their original departure station for free. The only condition is to receive a stamp or a written confirmation of the visit (in case of electronic tickets) at the entrance to the Shed. The details of the offer is described here (document in Polish only).

The Railway Night of Museums is one of the events prepared by the culture facilities in Skierniewice. The detailed schedule of the events and a timetable of a special shuttle bus travelling between the institutions is provided below.

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Travel with Łódź Metropolitan Railway


As in the previous years, the Łódź Metropolitan Railway (ŁKA) has prepared a special offer for the guests of Open Day in the Engine Shed. Passengers travelling to Skierniewice by ŁKA train can return to their original departure station for free. The only condition is to receive a stamp or a written confirmation of the visit (in case of electronic tickets) at the entrance to the Shed. The details of the offer is described here (document in Polish only).

Please note that the offer is valid only during the scheduled events in the Engine Shed:

  • 7th May – Open Day
  • 14th May – Railway Night of Museums
  • 4th June – Children’s Day in the Engine Shed
  • 2nd July – Open Day
  • 6th August – Open Day
  • 3rd September – Open Day
  • 10th and 11th September – Open Day during the Festival of Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables
  • 1st October – Open Day (177th anniversary of Warsaw-Vienna Railway reaching Skierniewice)

Invitation to the 18th tourist season in Skierniewice Engine Shed


On 7th May 2022 from 11 AM to 4 PM we would like to invite you to the Open Day in the Engine Shed. This event opens the 18th tourist season in Skierniewice Engine Shed. Open Day is a perfect opportunity to learn more about the history of the Shed and the vehicles from our collection. Visitors can participate in the guided tours or tour the Shed on their own along the arranged sightseeing routes – a short one along the portion of the roundhouse and the extended route encompassing nearly whole length of the roundhouse, where the historical rolling stock is collected.

Additional attractions include:

  • steam engines maintenance equipment and infrastructure,
  • garden railway,
  • simulator of class SM42 diesel engine.

Guided tours start every hour at 11 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM (30 minutes tour) and 2 PM (1 hour tour along the extended sightseeing route).

Catering will be provided by the Atmosfera pizza parlor.

We would also like to remind you that Łódź Metropolitan Railway (ŁKA) has prepared a special offer for the guests of Open Day in the Engine Shed. Passengers travelling to Skierniewice by ŁKA can return to their original departure station for free on the day of the Open Day. The only condition is to receive a stamp or a written confirmation of the visit (in case of electronic tickets) at the entrance to the Shed. The details of the offer is described here (document in Polish only).

Free admission!

Beginning of the track works


It’s the beginning of April and this can mean only one thing for us – beginning of the repairs of the tracks in the Shed. Thanks to the grant by the City Council of Skierniewice, we have started the complete overhaul of tracks № 7 and № 8 in front of the roundhouse. During the first weeks, we have removed the rails, concrete crossing plates and prepared an access route for the backhoe loader aiding in the works. Due to the fast-growing prices of materials we have already stock up with a fresh ballast that will be required later during the works.

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Sightseeing in Skierniewice Engine Shed in 2022


We would like to inform you that individual visitors can visit the shed during the scheduled events, starting from the Open Day on 3rd September 2022 (11.00-16.00). Open Days take place on every first Saturday of the month from May to October (last on 1st October 2022).

Organized groups can visit the Shed outside of the scheduled events after prior arrangement with tour coordinator. To arrange the date of the visit please call us (Sławomir Sidor, tel. 730 181 323) or contact us via email

Please note that we are a non-profit organization without a full-time employees. Therefore, there is no possibility to visit the shed without the prior arrangement with the guide or tour coordinator.