Collecting money for the repairs of the skylight


Owning an engine shed is a streak of challenges. Not only those related to logistics but mainly the financial ones. We hope to close our budget and finish the buildings renovations, but the increasing prices in the building industry forced us to once again resort to the crowd-funding. After all we cannot let ourselves for a break in the repairs of our facilities.

The initial estimates of the repairs of the skylight resulted in amount of 100 000 PLN and that was the exact amount granted by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Marshall’s Office of Łódź Voivodeship. Unfortunately, the only offer that we could afford is worth 129 000 PLN. We still need to account that the works will be expanded by repairing the skylight above one stand more than anticipated thanks to the donation of the construction glass by a sponsor. Also this year we have to complete the repairs of the old water tower. Under such circumstances it appeared that the own assets of 42 000 PLN from 1% of income tax is not enough to cover all additional expenses. We are still waiting for the response of the sponsors but as the works starting dates are coming closer we would like to ask for your support.

You can participate in the crowd-funding via service.

Except our gratitude, our supporters will receive a small souvenirs. If you would like to support us with a direct money transfer, please do so to our bank account:

52 1240 6218 1111 0000 4617 3535

We would like to inform, that donations to our association are tax-deductible.


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