After the October Open Day


The last in this year regular open day in Engine Shed took place on Saturday, 6th October. As usual, visitors could learn more about the history of the facility and the exhibits from our collection. An extraordinary addition to this event was the official hand-over of the class SR71-04 inspection vehicle from PKP Energetyka S.A. to the Shed. Except that, our guests could visit the temporary exhibition of photographs by Mirosław Mizera, our interactive exhibition of railway signals and traffic control and see our collection of rolling stock and steam engines maintenance equipment. To sum up, we were visited by 303 guests.

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Łódź Commuters Railway (ŁKA) prepared the special offer for the visitors, who could return back for free to their departure station after receiving a special stamp on their one-way ticket. Catering was provided thanks to the Atmosfera pizza house.

In the evening one could take part in the presentation by Ariel Ciechański, PhD “Modernity vs authenticity in railway museums” discussing the various approaches to the conservation of railway heritage across the Europe. The presentation was followed by the discussion on this topic. The presentation was a part of the Voluntaries Camp sponsored by

The Programme of National Heritage Board of Poland – Together for heritage.

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