1% of income tax into hundreds of square meters of new roof…

Specjalny Dzień Otwarty 2013, zwiedzane hali wachlarzowej … with this catch-phrase we’ve encouraged last year the tax payers to devote their 1% of income tax to the Engine Shed. As one could convince himself, the motto proved itself really effective – once again we would like to thank you for your generous support in salvaging of the railway monuments.

Soon, we will once again receive the tax forms in order to “pay the tribute” to the tax office. Last year, thanks to your help, we were able to apply for two subsidies, which allowed the major overhaul of the 650 square meters of the roundhouse’s roof. This year, we would like to continue this work, so we keep the last year’s motto valid and once again we would like to encourage you to the further support to the Engine Shed.
If you would like to check, how we utilize received financial assets and what are our plans for the future, please check the 1% for PARE page (in Polish only, sorry.)

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